Narri 1 year and 2 months
Narri is getting better every day, so we'll start soon to learn how to track. Yesterday morning a rabbit jumped up and started to run madly just in the front of Narri, who took two giant jumps after running rabbit and then came quickly to me when I asked. What a wise dog, he knows he's not a hunting dog, he is a sheepdog :D
Lasten kanssa retkellä Rella Vinurilla
Tuo pieni pottapäinen poika on Pietari, eka kertaa hevosen, issikka Gneistin, selässä. Tölttipätkillä poju lauleli humputihumputi ja taisi jollain tasolla jopa nautiskella menosta. Kiitoksia Riikalle erinomaisista kuvista!
1 kommentti:
It is so good to read that Narri is doing well!!
He sounds like his mother and sister. Thay also found a "rabbit"(hare) the other day. Thay stopped and asked me it they could chase it. But when they where alowed it was already long gont. But they had fun ;)
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